If I Were a Tree...
Inspired by birch trees, the 'koivu' (birch) pattern by KAMPPINEN is hand-painted on hemp with non-toxic, professional-grade textile paint. Heat set for permanence. Above: 18" hand-painted 'koivu' throw pillow. ___ I think birch trees are pretty amazing. They are handsome trees, with their unique, papery bark and dancing leaves of brilliant green. But besides their ornamental quality, they are also a great resource for helping to nourish and heal the body, mind, and spirit. Did you know birch trees are edible? They produce sap and this sap can be boiled down to make syrup, just like a maple tree. Ever hear...
A Father + Daughter Collaboration: The LINTU Board

I grew up with a carpenter & builder for a father, so I’ve been around woodworking my whole life. He built our house, some of our furniture, and even made a few of my toys (a cradle for my dolls comes to mind). Because I paid attention to this whilst playing in his woodshop (and also took two semesters of woodshop in junior high), I developed woodworking skills. Since KAMPPINEN began, I have been thinking about more than textiles for the home – I’ve also wanted to design and create limited collections of functional pieces using wood as a...
KUU Means Moon.
The inspiration for most of my work comes from the wonders of nature - the sun, the moon, the sky, rocks, dirt, leaves, trees, water, sand, birds, and even bugs - all have special roles to play in this world and I am constantly fascinated by this concept. Growing up in a national forest in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, along the largest of The Great Lakes, has given me boundless respect towards nature and the environment - something I am very proud to have. A popular Lake Superior pastime is to watch the sunset. Lake Superior sunsets are some...